So first off, I'm super sensitive to everything. I'm talking baby dosage sensitive. My psych nurse wanted me to start taking 5mg right off the bat, but I know my body and sensitivity, so I got the 1mg pills and decided I would titrate up slowly if needed. I started with 1mg a day and the first day was okay, I felt really good; Happier, Less Anxious, etc. Mind you, I have Bipolar and Severe PDA. The 2nd day, I started to feel dumbed down, spacey, irritable, and became more anxious. By the 3rd day, I was ready to crawl out of my skin with severe anxiety and panic. This lasted all day and throughout the night. I did not sleep well. Thank God I have Klonopin or else I would've lost it completely. I stopped taking it for the next 2 days and by the 3rd day, I felt much better. However, my psych nurse insisted that I take it again and claims that I just need more, umm What?? Being the "Good Patient" that I am, I listened and started taking it again that day. She wanted me to do 1mg for 2 days, then 2mgs on the 3rd day. Well, right off the bat, Day 1 ending up with me feeling dumbed down, spacey, and irritable. I also felt like there was no point to life. My husband had to basically bathe me that day because I was so depressed, I couldn't get myself to do anything. On the second day, the anxiety started creeping in and on the 3rd day, Sheer Unrelenting Panic All Day Long. To the point that I was curled in a tight ball on my bed, crying. Every muscle was so tight, it hurt. I didn't even bother taking my second dose that day. To make matters worse, I hadn't slept in over 24hrs. So the anxiety and panic was constant. I felt like I was going insane. I flat out told my doctor I'm never taking Lithium Orotate again. She doesn't believe me when I say this supplement caused these issues, because there's "no scientific evidence to back up low dose lithium causing any issues." I even asked her to check my Lithium levels to make sure it wasn't building up in my body and she flat out refused, even though it says you're suppose to regularly check your patients levels, thyroid, and kidney on the damn bottle. Sadly, she still insists this will help me. I think I need to find a new doctor.