This is not really something to take for acute care, or even once you feel like you are coming down with something. It is more of a daily prevention during cold and flu season. I decanted half of it into a 2 oz dropper bottle, and one dropperful is about 30 drops. If I take that amount 3x per day, the bottle will last 53 days. I weigh a fair bit more than 80 lbs, but since they give a range of 15-30 drops per dose for an 80 pound person, I figure that's an OK amount for me. Putting 30 drops in a half-cup of water tastes a bit medicinal, but it's fine, since it is medicine after all. There's no real way to say this works for me, but the ingredients are good and so is this company, with whom I was already familiar from seeing their products in health food stores over the years.