I currently have chronic fatigue from contaminated water at my former workplace for 4 years now. I have done parasite cleanses in the past and had many come out, but nothing like this time!!?? I have been using Paraguard by Zahler for 2-3 weeks now and didn't see, or feel anything. Then I watched a YouTube video and this herbalist highly recommended Mimosa Pudica in conjunction with Paraguard and he really saw things. Well I received the package on Saturday afternoon and took 2 capsules that evening on an empty stomach, 30 mins before dinner. The next morning I had a floating, curled up poo in my toilet. I investigated it and found out it was a very long parasite worm!! A few hours later I passed another 3 medium worms. It is now Monday, starting my 3rd day on Mimosa, and I took 2 capsules right after I woke up on empty stomach, then 1 hour later took 6 gel caps of Castor Oil and passed another long worm! (Picture being held up by fork) I read that when the worm gets the Mimosa they will die after that and get excreted. So by taking in the morning, they are waiting for their food, your breakfast, and instead get killed by the Mimosa. I am going to be taking this at 2 capsules 2x/day, morning and before dinner, and just keep going and see how I feel! Hopefully this will alleviate a lot of my fatigue problems!?? If you are killing parasites this NEEDS to be in your protocol! I have tried SO many herbs in the last 4 years, but trust me on this ...It will not be a waste of your money and you will be so glad you gave Mimosa a shot!??