After constant UTIs I thought this might help, but actually defeats the purpose by causing horrible bloating, along with everything that goes with that, if you get my drift. Because of the bloating and diarrhea, you reinfect yourself! I had such high hopes simply because a specialist in the field of urology highly recommend. To purchase something that just causes more issues is not contributing to my health! Dont buy another brand, this is the best! I tried other brands when they were out of this they were far harsher on my system than this brand! If this works for you, you are one of the fortunate ones. One question. Why would a highly trained professional recommend something that would lose her money when the UTIs are gone? I may try this again at a much, lighter dose than is recommend on the bottle, in the future. Mostly out of desperation, in a pandemic, not wanting to go to a doctor once a month. I do have friends I know using this, and it works!! It just hasnt worked for me. During treatment a huge kidney stone has been found. This is why I have not given up on this. When the stone is gone. I feel this has some hope! It did start to help. Bad timing!