This was one of the supplements our Naturopath recommended for my daughter, who we first believed was dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis, to help with the "leaky gut" issue she had developed (she was pretty much becoming allergic to almost all food!)... She began to feel a bit better once she was taking this, and was able to eat a little more variety as time passed. Flash forward to over a year later, when we eventually learned she actually was suffering from Lyme disease, and being given a whole new supplement regimen to accompany the antibiotics she's now taking, she felt continuing this item was one she could drop since she's dealing with SO many things now. WRONG! Within a week, she was feeling terrible, and after resuming this routine (she mixes 1 teaspoon in glass of water twice a day on empty stomach), she was back to feeling as good as one with Lyme disease can hope for. Going off of it for such a short time was a clear indication of what it was doing to help her Lyme disease caused "leaky gut." (Her real or main symptoms btw, were in her knees, which is why doctors believed she had developed arthritis at age 16, when one knee began aching, eventually swelling up like crazy and was unable to move it. It eventually spread to her other knee, although never as bad as the left one. She is now 20, so has a long journey working towards recovery, and this product will perhaps be something she will need for life, unless her body manages to heal from the crazy things this kind of disease can cause.)