I'm not really sure how another positive review will do for anyone, but... I've probably been taking this (at this time) for about two weeks now, I literally felt a difference the very first day, but I couldn't tell if it was imaginary, or what. The next day I felt 'something', and it felt good, I liked that feeling. I have had depression a few times, but what I have going on is not the standard case, at least I don't think, I'm more of a negative person now than a really positive one like I was 'before' I had depression. (My doctor prescribed Celexa for my depression that he said I had, but I didn't feel depressed, it screwed up my life even worse, I have not been the same since) Anyway, this stuff definitely helps me knock out the (possible) harsh day ahead, I take it daily, three times a day, and I am feeling myself changing back to where I was before, or at least, closer. Now, I'm not saying this is a cure-all, it may be, but it's too early to tell, but as of right now, I am whistling and singing around the house, like I used to, and I feel pretty good about things, oddly enough when the world is in such disarray. :) I don't feel anywhere near as negative as I was two weeks ago... It's definitely worth a try, if you are on the fence about it, I'd try it, if it works you will really be glad that you took that chance. If it doesn't, you are just out of a little bit of money... I'm 70 years old and I have not been myself for almost 20 years now, I missed out on a lot of my life due to 'just not wanting to do stuff'. I used to sky dive, scuba dive, ride my motorcycle on cross-country trips, go fishing, photography, and a lot more. I don't plan on doing that now, but I was 'alive' when I was 'normal'. :) I just feel a touch of that now, so I'll take what I can get, and this stuff has helped me quite a bit. Using a 1-10 rating, with 10 being perfect, I'd say I feel about a 6 maybe, I used to feel about an 8...