This is a composite review of three monk fruit products. : It's Just - 100% Monkfruit Extract Powder, Keto Friendly Sweetener, Monk Fruit, Sugar-Free, Non-GMO, 25% Mogrosides, Non-Glycemic, 1.5oz : Grocery & Gourmet Food I have purchased this product 12 times since 2020. I was looking for a low/no glycemic sweetener that also was not harsh on the gut biome. Only pure monk fruit and stevia seem to fit those requirements. Many of the monk fruit and stevia sweeteners available in stores are mixed with erythritol, which can have a negative effect on the beneficial bacteria in ones gut. I did also try the drops, but the package and dispensing was just not user friendly. Also required a lot of drops to taste any sweetness. This powder does take some getting used to using. I really only use it to sweeten my brewed cacao drink. It mixes better in warm or hot liquids. I usually let it sit and brew in the french press with the ground cacao. I dislike the packaging. The zippered bag is never zipped properly therefore not sealing the powder below the tear off point, so when you open it the first time there is sticky powder that goes everywhere. I also dislike leaving it in the original packaging because its a pain and a mess to deal with. I now transfer this into a dark tinted wide mouth half pint jar. I also think the little measuring spoon sent in the package is an annoyance and a waste. This would be better off in a container like the Clabber Girl baking powder. Appearance is fine, pure white powder. Overall, 4.5 stars for the product itself. 2.5 stars for packaging. This is currently priced at $15.30 per oz ----------- NOW Foods, Certified Organic Monk Fruit Extract Powder, Zero Calorie Sweetener, Large Bottle for Serving Scoop, Certified Non-GMO, 0.7-Ounce : Grocery & Gourmet Food I decided to give this product a try. Just the listing alone gave me hope that the packaging would be friendlier. The container is almost exactly the same as what you would find in the herbs and spice aisle at a grocery store. Flip top cap with a pour and a sprinkle option. I disliked that my measuring spoons were a little awkward getting in and out. I would like a shorter container with a wider lid, or a bigger size all together. This would almost be worth carrying in your purse if you wanted to have a monk fruit sweetener with you. Taste was excellent. To my palette it was twice as sweet as the Its Just product, so less goes further. Appearance is fine, pure white powder. 5 stars for the product. 3.5 stars for the packaging This is currently priced at $29.71 per oz, so value is roughly equal to the Its Just brand -------- Smart Monk - 100% Monkfruit Extract, Non-Glycemic, Zero Calorie, Sugar-Free Monk Fruit Sweetener (3oz / 85g) : Grocery & Gourmet Food Packaging for the win! This is the perfect leave at home on the counter or in the pantry package. No spills in shipment, and no difficulty getting to the monk fruit powder. Container is a tub with a screw cap, 3.5 in diameter, 2.75 tall. Taste is definitely not as good as either of the other products. It is about as sweet as the Its Just monk fruit, but it has a bit of an aftertaste. I will finish the container, but I will not buy it again. Appearance is fine, yellowish powder. 2.5 stars for the product. 5 stars for the packaging. This is currently priced at $13.71 per oz. This product has the best value for weight.