Mind. Blown. Ive suspected for a long time that I suffered from low dopamine & I was getting tired of being tired (and anxious & unfocused & generally blah). Im very skeptical of natural unregulated stuff like this & did extensive research on it, even reading boring Google scholar studies. Finally, I decided to try it, expecting it to either not work or to just get the bad side effects (low dopamine catastrophizing, lol). And holy $ it works! The first day I took just a half dose I felt.good! My tight throated anxiety melted away. My constant doubt & fear turned into confidence & a get-er-done attitude. I actually wanted to exercise, and I did! I sat down and focused on my work for 4 hours straight. And then it wore off & I suddenly found myself scrolling tiktok, but I was happier & more productive than Id been in decades! Ive never been diagnosed as ADHD or anything (maybe I am, IDK) but from what Ive heard it seems like Dopa has similar effects to Adderall. Im so happy I found this stuff! Ive been doing 4 days on, 3 off, half dose so as not to fry my neurotransmitters. Seems to work for me. Maybe Ill actually get my book published now! Lol.