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Marke: Vitanica

Farbe: Weiß


  • Formuliert von Dr. Tori Hudson. Prämenstruelle Unterstützung durch alle gut erforschten Nährstoffe und Kräuter, die empirisch untersucht und beobachtet wurden, um die Linderung häufiger PMS sowie einen insgesamt gesunden Menstruationszyklus zu fördern
  • Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Magnesium und Kalzium sind Nährstoffe, die in einschlägigen Untersuchungen zur Unterstützung der Linderung prämenstrueller Symptome angegeben wurden
  • Dieses Produkt enthält keine: Konservierungsstoffe, Bindemittel, künstliche Farb- oder Aromastoffe, Zucker, Laktose, Salz, Weizen, Gluten, Sojabohnen, Milchderivate, Eier, Erdnüsse, Nüsse, Fisch oder Schalentiere. Die Mönchspfefferbeere ist eine der hilfreichsten und hilfreichsten Unterstützende Kräuter beim Ausgleich des Menstruationszyklus
  • Ginkgo und Johanniskraut haben unterstützende Forschungsergebnisse zum prämenstruellen Zyklus; Andere hormonunterstützende, traditionelle Kräuter sind Dong Quai, wilde Yamswurzel und Passionsblume
  • Borretschsamenöl ist reich an GLA (Gamma-Linolensäure), einem gut erforschten Inhaltsstoff mit positiver Unterstützung des Menstruationszyklus

Einband: Gesundheit und Schönheit

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.04.2011

Modellnummer: 010217

Teilenummer: 010217

Einzelheiten: Unter Nutzung der neuesten deutschen botanischen Forschung, verwandter Ernährungsforschung und über einem Jahrzehnt klinischer Erfahrung hat Dr. Hudson Women's Phase I entwickelt, um eine ausgewogene prämenstruelle Unterstützungsformel zu fördern.

EAN: 0708118010217

Verpackungsmaße: 4,4 x 2,5 x 2,5 Zoll

Customer Reviews

Based on 65 reviews
All women with painful periods would take this

I am one of those women that have insufferable periods. I took birth control for 3 years to avoid them (only letting myself have 1 a year) but I had to come off. I was terrified because the first 36 hours of my 4 day period was always spent in pain. I couldnt function, much less have the want to eat or drink. I started taking these back in February when an ND recommended them to me. I take 2 a day w/food on days 15-28. This was my first period since last fall and it was EFFORTLESS. I only took two Aleve on the first day and never took anymore and Im currently finishing. My period was MUCH LIGHTER and basically painless. It was the best period Ive had since I started 12 years ago. I think all women that have moderate to severe menstrual pain (that arent caused by underlying health issues) should take this. 12/10, definitely recommend.

Geri A
My Life Is Back To Normal

Ive been taking this supplement only 2 weeks and I can already feel the difference. Prior to taking these, my periods would make me suffer severe mood swings, confusion and constant irritability in the days leading up to my period. I can tell you that I feel none of those issues. I wish I had learned about this a couple of years ago. The taste isnt great at all but the benefits are well worth it. I feel normal!!!!

Pills are huge!!!

I've only been on this for a couple weeks and think I am noticing a difference but need more time. I just wish the pills were smaller as they are so large, they are hard to swallow.

Great product for PMS

I highly recommend this product for women experiencing any PMS symptoms. My mood has improved so much after taking this the week leading up to my cycle. My overall symptoms have decreased.

It works

My wife uses this. I guess it works because she keeps buying it. Guys, anything that helps her keep some resemblance of sanity in time of month is money well spent.