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Marke: Now Foods


  • Koscher
  • Ausgezeichnete Ballaststoffquelle
  • Lösliche Ballaststoffe

Einband: Gesundheit und Schönheit

Teilenummer: 2733739059789

Einzelheiten: Ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Flohsamen sind echte Ballaststoffe, auch wenn sie von manchen als abführende oder schleimbildende Ballaststoffe eingestuft werden, und sind aufgrund ihres hohen Schleimgehalts eine praktische Möglichkeit, die Aufnahme von Ballaststoffen zu erhöhen. Dieser Füllstoff quillt bei Zugabe zu Flüssigkeit erheblich auf, was zu einer gesunden Magen-Darm-Passage beitragen kann. Diese Füllwirkung und die gesunde Transitzeit können eine wichtige Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung einer gesunden Magen-Darm-Funktion spielen.*

EAN: 0760488355282

Verpackungsabmessungen: 11,3 x 8,5 x 4,0 Zoll

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews
K. Strandberg
Something Changed

I've been buying this for years from Now thru Amazon. The last ordee is completely different and unpleasant. It used to be ground up like bran. This stuff is like corn starch. I hope they return to the previous grind.

Needed item

I have been taking Now foods husk for a good 10 years. This stuff keeps you regular and lean. It does taste like dirt if you take it with just water. I through into some juice in the morning and before going to bed. Keeps things moving.


This product seems comparable to others I have tried without added JUNK. I was EXTREMELY HAPPY to finally find one that has no flavor, sweeteners, etc. My life is happier as a result of this item. I hope NOW foods continues to produce this item.....

Kindle Customer
Good product

Just what I wanted at a good price.

Ruby Spinner
Great value, but causes purple coloration

This pysillium husk powder is a good one. Yes, it will tint your baked goods purple, and, Unless, you are me, where purple is a selling point, you might not want to serve this in a public setting. I have heard of people using pysillium husk to make "low carb" and "keto" bread, but such nutritional foolishness is unacceptable in my home. You need whole foods, real food, and that lack may be why you need psyillium husk powder. For me, this stuff acts like oatmeal, that is, it stops the need to occupy the smallest room in the house. I have used it to thicken pea soup when it wasn't cooked long enough, and the fine powder left no grit! I have used it to thicken protein shakes, extending the volume greatly while maintaining the proper texture. In the picture above, you can see 21 grams of this Pysillium husk powder next to 7 grams of wheat bran. It is finely ground, and is not interchangeable with a recipe which uses ground pysillium seed. This morning, I am making carrot bread, and the first thing I did was mess up. This stuff clumps into a paste, just like the stuff in school, if you just add water. Those clumps bake into purple spots! It is important to mix the powder with your grain before you add water, and while you add water, stir vigorously and constantly. You will need more liquid than you think. And, do not use egg yolks, it creates a horrible stench of sulphur, which, oddly, intensifies the purple! Mix all your liquid together first, with your leavening, and pour steadily. You can use coffee for your liquid, or add cocoa, if the color bothers you.