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JETZT Blemish Clear Gel Cleanser 4 fl oz

von NOW
SKU 8056
Original Preis $14.99 - Original Preis $14.99
Original Preis
$14.99 - $14.99
Derzeitiger Preis $14.99

Zustand: Verstopfte Poren, die einer gründlichen Reinigung und Entschlackung bedürfen. Ideal für fettige Haut, Mischhaut und zu Unreinheiten neigende Haut.

Lösung: Der Blemish Clear Cleanser sorgt für eine sanfte Tiefenreinigung, die dabei hilft, Ihre Poren von Unreinheiten, Ablagerungen und täglichem Schmutz zu befreien, der zu Pickeln führt. Klinisch getestete Psoralea corylifolia hilft bei der Reduzierung von Hautunreinheiten, Reizungen und Verfärbungen, während Grenadys zur Aufhellung des Hauttons beiträgt. Eine Kombination aus wichtigen Extrakten wie Weidenrinde, Süßholzwurzel, Hamamelis und Gurke wirkt zusammen mit Teebaumöl, um die Anzeichen von Hautunreinheiten und Rötungen weiter zu bekämpfen und gleichzeitig beruhigende Eigenschaften zu bieten, die zur Beruhigung der Haut beitragen.

Zutaten: Wasser (Aqua), Decylglucosid, Glycerin, Natriumkokosulfat, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Süßholz)-Wurzelextrakt, Hamamelis Virginiana (Zaubernuss)-Blattextrakt, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Phenoxyethanol und Ethylhexylglycerin, Cucumis Sativus (Gurken)-Fruchtextrakt, hydrolysierte Psoralea Corylifolia-Extrakt, Maltodextrin und Punica Granatum-Samenextrakt (Grenadys), Orangen-Grapefruit-Aroma, Zitronensäure, Kaliumsorbat, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Teebaum)-Blattöl, Salix Spp. (Weiden-)Rindenextrakt.

  • Glutenfrei
  • Vegan

Empfohlene Anwendung: Morgens und/oder abends eine großzügige Menge des Reinigungsmittels auf die feuchte Gesichts- und Halspartie auftragen. Sanft in die Haut einmassieren und dabei auf die Problemzonen konzentrieren. Gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und trocken tupfen. Für beste Ergebnisse täglich anwenden und anschließend Blemish Clear Moisturizer auftragen.

Nur für äußere Anwendung. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
My teen daughter

My teen daughter loves this moisturizer! Weve definitely seen an improvement in her skin since using it.

My teen daughter

My teen daughter loves this moisturizer! Weve definitely seen an improvement in her skin since using it.

We have been

We have been getting small, zit-like bumps on cheekbones and under the chin from double-masking. Aside from alternating between a couple of different shapes of masks and using homemade cloth masks as the under-layer, weve been toughing things out and trying not to scratch the irritated areas. This moisturizer seems to help a bit with both existing bumps and keeping down the number of new ones. And yes, it does moisturize. However, there is something in its formula that makes me unable to use it daily. Hopefully, if you are looking for a maskne solution, your skin will be able to tolerate this daily.

We have been

We have been getting small, zit-like bumps on cheekbones and under the chin from double-masking. Aside from alternating between a couple of different shapes of masks and using homemade cloth masks as the under-layer, weve been toughing things out and trying not to scratch the irritated areas. This moisturizer seems to help a bit with both existing bumps and keeping down the number of new ones. And yes, it does moisturize. However, there is something in its formula that makes me unable to use it daily. Hopefully, if you are looking for a maskne solution, your skin will be able to tolerate this daily.

Blessed Mama
Five stars on

Five stars on this product. This is absolutely excellent if youre looking to get your skin to have balance. This is great for any kind of oily, combination, and even blemish prone skin. Skin in need of balance and hydration. Blemish Clear Moisturizer provides light-weight hydration while helping to improve the appearance of skin texture and tone while reducing the appearance of minor blemishes. Clinically tested Psoralea corylifolia and Grenadys help reduce the signs of blemishes, irritation, and redness, while brightening skin tone. Aloe, squalane, and vitamin E have been included to soothe and calm skin. I am including the street from the website. Because its fantastic information. Please note that : NOW Solutions products are not tested on animals. Overall I am very impressed this product. Its clear my skin up amazingly. And I have my daughter now using it.