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Progressive Labs Alkalizing Greens Blend 210 g

SKU 3725
Original Preis $39.25 - Original Preis $39.25
Original Preis
$39.25 - $39.25
Derzeitiger Preis $39.25

Die alkalisierende Grünmischung wird aus biologischem, glutenfreiem, gentechnikfreiem Grün, Obst und Gemüse hergestellt und verwendet natürliche Aromen und Süßstoffe.

Ergänzung mit alkalisierender Grünmischung:
• Hilft Ihrem Körper, einen optimalen pH-Wert zu erreichen
• Enthält Antioxidantienäquivalent von mehr als
• 6 Portionen Gemüse (ORAC-Äquivalent)
• Enthält Probiotika und präbiotische Ballaststoffe für eine optimale Verdauungsfunktion.

Portionsgröße: 1 Messlöffel
Portionen pro Behälter: 30

Menge pro Portion
Kalorienmenge pro Portion: 25
Gesamtkohlenhydratmenge pro Portion: 5 g
Ballaststoffmenge pro Portion: 1 g
Proteinmenge pro Portion: 1 g
Bio-Grünmischung: Menge pro Portion: 2,3 g
Fermentierte Grasmischung: Menge pro Portion:
Gerstenmenge pro Portion:
Hafermenge pro Portion:
Weizenmenge pro Portion:
Luzerne- Menge pro Portion:
Spirulina- Menge pro Portion:
Menge an gebrochener Zellwand von Chlorella pro Portion:
Dulse- Menge pro Portion:
Bio-Fasermischung: Menge pro Portion: 1,3 g
Inulinmenge pro Portion:
Menge an Leinsamenfasern pro Portion:
Bio-Gemüsemischung: Menge pro Portion: 1,2 g
Grünkohlmenge pro Portion:
Karottenmenge pro Portion:
Petersilienmenge pro Portion:
Brokkolimenge pro Portion:
Spinatmenge pro Portion:
Bio-Fruchtmischung: Menge pro Portion: 1,1 g
Apfelmenge pro Portion:
Apfelfasermenge pro Portion:
Blaubeermenge pro Portion:
Schwarze Johannisbeermenge pro Portion:
Antioxidative und alkalisierende Gewürzmischung: Menge pro Portion: 523 mg
OxyPhyte® Grüntee-Blattextrakt- Menge pro Portion:
OxyPhyte® Apfelextrakt Menge pro Portion:
OxyPhyte® Traubenkernextrakt Menge pro Portion:
Bio-Ingwerwurzel- Menge pro Portion:
Bio-Kurkumawurzel- Menge pro Portion:
Bio-Zimtrindenextrakt Menge pro Portion:
Enzymmischung: Menge pro Portion: 75 mg
Proteasemenge pro Portion:
Amylasemenge pro Portion:
Bromelainmenge pro Portion:
Cellulase- Menge pro Portion:
Laktasemenge pro Portion:
Papainmenge pro Portion:
Lipasemenge pro Portion:
Probiotische Mischung: Menge pro Portion: 10 mg
L. acidophilus Menge pro Portion:
B. longum Menge pro Portion:
L. casei Menge pro Portion:
L. rhamnosus Menge pro Portion:
Andere Zutaten:
Bio-Aromen, Rebaudiosid A (aus Bio-Stevia rebaudiana-Blatt)


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Zubereitung: 1 Messlöffel (7 Gramm) mit 8 Unzen Wasser oder Saft vermischen, kräftig umrühren und trinken.
Enthält: Weizen (Weizengras)
Manipulationssicheres Band um den Verschluss und die Versiegelung der Flasche. Nicht verwenden, wenn eines der Siegel beschädigt ist oder fehlt. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Kühl und trocken lagern. Vermeiden Sie übermäßige Hitze- und Lichteinwirkung.

Customer Reviews

Based on 60 reviews
not worth it

doesn't work

Strong Chemical Smell

Where do I begin... based on the glowing reviews and the Amazon recommendation, I purchased this product. Some reviewers stated that they've been using this for years and can't live without it while others say it leaves their skin dry!! This makes me wonder if they're actually talking about this product as it has tons of oils in it and if you just put it on your hands and use it as hand wash, you'll feel how slippery your hands feel because of the oils!!! It doesn't strip oil from your face!!! While this product does clean, I can't say how thoroughly clean it makes your face feel as I don't think this cleans any better than any other cleansers on the market. There are two major flaws with this product: 1. This face wash smells like floor cleaner!!! How is it possible that the manufacturer spent this much effort to formulate this product and yet made it smell like commercial floor cleaner!!! This is a FAIL !!! Perhaps this product works for folks with acne but this is not an issue for me. So unless you need it for this purpose, I'd stay away, unless, of course you like the smell of floor cleaner!! 2. The container comes with a regular plastic bottle cap. This makes it very hard to pour out the right amount for each use especially from a 32oz. container!!! How about including a pump dispenser head to make things easier?!! I've only used this product a few times and it does clean but I do not like the oily film it leaves on your face. I've gotten better results by using Peppermint Tea Tree Oil Shampoo!!! Very disappointed based on Amazon's recommendations!

Elina Rees
Me lo recoemndo

Me lo recoemndo mi endocrinologo hace 4 aos y lo sigo usando mis niveles de D estan normales. Recomendado

K. Nichols
Great for mild rosacea

My face is fairly pink from mild rosacea. Using this face wash works for me as well as prescription Rhofade or some other much more expensive product meant for reducing redness. I'm not sure if it's the tea tree oil in it, but it works great. I'm a customer for life!

Not what you think and is

This is not for normal use. Caused dead skin cells to flake off and reveal fresh skin. Can cause irritation and spotty redness if used daily. Please research the use of Tea Tree Oil before using this product. This is not for everyone especially if you have sensitive skin.