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Shankara, Inc. Reichhaltiges Reparatur-Behandlungsöl 30 ml

SKU A1300
Original Preis $70.00 - Original Preis $70.00
Original Preis
$70.00 - $70.00
Derzeitiger Preis $70.00

Spendet intensiv Feuchtigkeit für trockene Haut.

Diese einzigartige Mischung aus 100 % reinen, nährenden Ölen dringt tief ein, stellt die Haut wieder her und bietet einen altersverhindernden Antioxidationsschutz. Die Haut bleibt natürlich ausgeglichen und jugendlich strahlend.

Shankara bietet Naturprodukte, die das Beste aus Ost und West vereinen, um Ihre Haut zu nähren und ihre natürliche Ausstrahlung wiederherzustellen. Die 2001 gegründete Linie vereint Ayurveda, die alte Wissenschaft des Lebens, mit der modernen Wissenschaft von Wirkstoffen und Antioxidantien durch moderne Herstellungsmethoden. Das Ergebnis ist eine einzigartige Linie natürlicher, ergebnisorientierter Produkte. Die mit liebevoller Sorgfalt und nachhaltigen Verfahren in kleinen Mengen in Reagan Wells, Texas, hergestellten Produkte sollen nicht nur eine gesunde Haut, sondern das allgemeine Wohlbefinden fördern.

Die Magie des Ayurveda? Es ist nicht nur natürlich, sondern auch individuell auf Sie abgestimmt. Es handelt sich nicht um eine Einheitslösung, sondern um einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz für das Wohlbefinden, der auch Ihre Haut einbezieht.

Wenn Sie also trockene Haut haben, ist die Rich Repair Collection für Vata genau das Richtige für Sie. Die Rich Repair Collection nährt und unterstützt trockene Haut und sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass Ihre Haut die nötige Feuchtigkeit erhält, ohne die Poren zu verstopfen. Die Produkte haben eine leichte Note, die dennoch erfrischend ist.

• Stellt das natürliche Gleichgewicht der Haut wieder her und erhält es
• Reich an Nährstoffen und alterungsverhindernden Antioxidantien
• Intensiv feuchtigkeitsspendend, nährend und wärmend
• Sauerstoffspendend und nicht komedogen
Zutaten: Ashwagandha-Öl; Amla-Öl; Dashmula-Öl; Haritaki-Öl; Brahmi-Öl; Shatavari-Öl; Rasiergrasöl; Chamae-Rosenwurzelöl; Sesamöl; Jojobaöl; Avocadoöl; Macadamianussöl; Foraha-Öl; Mandelöl; Hagebuttenöl; Borretschöl; Nachtkerzenöl; Traubenkernöl; Squalan; CO2-Extraktöle aus Ringelblume, Karotte, Hagebutte, Hagebuttensamen, Sanddornbeere, Borretsch, Nachtkerze und Weihrauch; Vitamin-E-Acetat; Vitamin A-Palmitat und D3; Alpha-Liponsäure; CoQ10; Ätherische Öle (Angelikawurzel, Benzoe, Karottensamen, Zistrose, Muskatellersalbei, Fenchel, Weihrauch, Helichrysum, Jasmin, Jatamansi, Khus, Myrrhe, Patschuli, Moroc-Rose, Sandelholz, Süßorange, Kurkuma).
Anwendung: Vor Gebrauch leicht schütteln. Allein auf das gereinigte und exfolierte Gesicht und den Hals auftragen oder nach der ersten Anwendung von Regenesis-EnergenTM Cell Activator I und/oder ATP Cell Serum. Am besten abends verwenden oder morgens und abends allein oder in Kombination mit anderen Shankara-Produkten verwenden.
Von Hitze und Sonnenlicht fernhalten

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

This brand of Turkey tail mushroom is a real booster to your immune, and taking it with selenium, and zinc even make it a powerhouse!


This brand of Turkey tail mushroom is a real booster to your immune, and taking it with selenium, and zinc even make it a powerhouse!

Sharon M. Allen
Can Not Sing Praises High Enough.

I am using this along with Chauga for my husband who is dealing with cancer, dementia and diabetes. Not sure about the dementia and whether it is helping. I can say the dementia has not gotten worse. What I am singing praises about is with the cancer (mainly) and diabetes (secondary). Frankly, if you don't work on your diet and stop putting bad things into your body nothing is going to help with diabetes. There is NO magic pill. I can say my husband's diabetes has not gotten worse over the last 1 1/2 years and I can say I think the Turkey Tail/Chauga combination has help regulate his blood sugars (fewer swings in blood sugar levels). Where this combo shines is with my husband's cancer. We've gone from being given little hope, to wonderful results, to a re-occuring tumor and back to sorrow, to being told the new tumor was non-cancerous and now to a doctor who shakes his head and says ... I don't understand but keep on doing what you are doing. The ONLY treatment my husband has received with exception of 1 chemo treatment is Turkey Tail/Chauga. He's not out of the woods yet but he's on his way. I see overall health improvement - more energy, better blood sugar levels, his coloring is back to normal, his mood (dementia) has leveled out. My research has led me to believe Host Defense is the best resource for these supplements and I will only buy this brand as long as it's available. A little pricey but I truly believe these supplements are helping to keep my husband with me and I am very thankful.

Sharon M. Allen
Can Not Sing Praises High Enough.

I am using this along with Chauga for my husband who is dealing with cancer, dementia and diabetes. Not sure about the dementia and whether it is helping. I can say the dementia has not gotten worse. What I am singing praises about is with the cancer (mainly) and diabetes (secondary). Frankly, if you don't work on your diet and stop putting bad things into your body nothing is going to help with diabetes. There is NO magic pill. I can say my husband's diabetes has not gotten worse over the last 1 1/2 years and I can say I think the Turkey Tail/Chauga combination has help regulate his blood sugars (fewer swings in blood sugar levels). Where this combo shines is with my husband's cancer. We've gone from being given little hope, to wonderful results, to a re-occuring tumor and back to sorrow, to being told the new tumor was non-cancerous and now to a doctor who shakes his head and says ... I don't understand but keep on doing what you are doing. The ONLY treatment my husband has received with exception of 1 chemo treatment is Turkey Tail/Chauga. He's not out of the woods yet but he's on his way. I see overall health improvement - more energy, better blood sugar levels, his coloring is back to normal, his mood (dementia) has leveled out. My research has led me to believe Host Defense is the best resource for these supplements and I will only buy this brand as long as it's available. A little pricey but I truly believe these supplements are helping to keep my husband with me and I am very thankful.