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Neesby Mycopryl 680

von Neesby
Original Preis $23.10 - Original Preis $48.70
Original Preis
$23.10 - $48.70
Derzeitiger Preis $48.70

Streben Sie mit Mycopryl™ 680 von TE Neesby ein reibungsloses Verdauungssystem und eine gesunde Darmgesundheit an. Dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel enthält Caprylsäure, Calciumhydroxid und Magnesiumhydroxid und trägt Berichten zufolge zu einer schnellen Verdauung bei.*

Caprylsäure fördert die Fettoxidation und Studien zeigen, dass sie den Prozess der übermäßigen Kalorienverbrennung beschleunigen kann. Das in den Kapseln enthaltene Calciumhydroxid hilft bei der Linderung von gelegentlichem Sodbrennen. Magnesiumhydroxid scheint gelegentliche Verdauungsstörungen und Blähungen zu lindern.*

Diese Kapseln enthalten Triglyceride, die das Energieniveau zu unterstützen scheinen. Triglyceride unterstützen bekanntermaßen die richtige Nahrungsaufnahme und Fettverdauung.*

Dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel von TE Neesby hilft, das Wachstum nützlicher Bakterien in Ihrem Darm zu steigern und trägt so dazu bei, Ihr Verdauungssystem gesund zu halten. Nehmen Sie Mycopryl 680 von TE Neesby zur Unterstützung einer gesunden Verdauung.*

Portionsgröße: 6 Kapseln
Portionen pro Behälter: 41

Menge pro Portion % Tageswert
Kalorienmenge pro Portion: 41
Kalorien aus Fettmenge pro Portion: 38
Gesamtfettmenge pro Portion: 4 g Tageswert: 6 %
Kalziummenge pro Portion: 360 mg Tageswert: 36 %
Magnesiummenge pro Portion: 180 mg Tageswert: 45 %
Caprylsäuremenge pro Portion: 4,1 g
Andere Zutaten:
Caprylsäure, Calciumhydroxid, Magnesiumhydroxid


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  • Ohne Weizen
  • Frei von Milchprodukten/Milch
  • Sojafrei
  • Hefefrei
  • Maisfrei
  • Frei von künstlichen Farb-/Geschmacksstoffen

Verzehrempfehlung: 1-2 Kapseln zu jeder Mahlzeit.

Jede Kapsel enthält mindestens 680 mg. Caprylsäure als Calcium-/Magnesiumcaprylat. NDRM (Neesby Delayed Release Mechanism) sorgt für eine zeitgesteuerte Freisetzung von Caprylaten im gesamten Magen-Darm-Trakt.
Kühl und trocken lagern. Manipulationssicher/doppelt versiegelt.

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
This method seems to work better for me

This product works! After trying several products for almost a year, I continued to suffer from candida. Nothing seemed to work until I tried this product. The results were immediate. Everyday my condition improved. I started taking 1 serving (6 caps) at night before bed but after two weeks started taking 3 in the morning and 3 before bed. This method seems to work better for me. Also, I take Liv-52 (3 pills morning and before bed to help with the candida die-off...I swear by this product and it helps to detox your body as well.) I have not felt the awful candida die-off symptoms since taking the Liv-52. Energy levels have improved quite a bit, so much so that I'm back in the gym after a long break. Hope this helps :)

This method seems to work better for me

This product works! After trying several products for almost a year, I continued to suffer from candida. Nothing seemed to work until I tried this product. The results were immediate. Everyday my condition improved. I started taking 1 serving (6 caps) at night before bed but after two weeks started taking 3 in the morning and 3 before bed. This method seems to work better for me. Also, I take Liv-52 (3 pills morning and before bed to help with the candida die-off...I swear by this product and it helps to detox your body as well.) I have not felt the awful candida die-off symptoms since taking the Liv-52. Energy levels have improved quite a bit, so much so that I'm back in the gym after a long break. Hope this helps :)

This method seems to work better for me

This product works! After trying several products for almost a year, I continued to suffer from candida. Nothing seemed to work until I tried this product. The results were immediate. Everyday my condition improved. I started taking 1 serving (6 caps) at night before bed but after two weeks started taking 3 in the morning and 3 before bed. This method seems to work better for me. Also, I take Liv-52 (3 pills morning and before bed to help with the candida die-off...I swear by this product and it helps to detox your body as well.) I have not felt the awful candida die-off symptoms since taking the Liv-52. Energy levels have improved quite a bit, so much so that I'm back in the gym after a long break. Hope this helps :)

I bought less than 60 days ago just opened past the return date now a waste of money they are

I bought less than 60 days ago just opened past the return date now a waste of money they are

I bought less than 60 days ago just opened past the return date now a waste of money they are

The pills are spoiled-hard even though the expiration is 12/19. I bought less than 60 days ago just opened past the return date now a waste of money they are.