I tried this supplement (Double Wood Magnesium Acetyl-Taurate) primarily to gauge its effects on my chronic head, neck and facial pain (especially the eyes) since I have been helped by some other forms of magnesium. To a lesser extent I was interested in its effects on my back, which I sprained while trying to treat my headaches with a certain exercise. I think this form of magnesium is more effective on my pain than any other magnesium Ive tried so far except for perhaps magnesium L-threonate at 2,000mg (The first time I took that dose, I experienced total symptom relief.). Im not sure though; there are some promising forms, including that one, which I still need to test/track in a similar fashion. Im a large guy, so I took an extra/3rd capsule when I took this (Tauromag) supplement. I tried to take this on an empty stomach to prevent interference, and its worth noting that the capsules are pleasantly small. The effects were significant for me from day one. This supplement seems to blunt my pain, both reducing the magnitude and making it less sharp where I feel poked in the neck/jaw by something which imaging can never seem to find. Where it really shines though is making me feel less sensitive to things that increase my pain, like computer screens. On day one I felt less sensitive to the screen of my tablet, and was able to play a game of chess without much problem. I believe I experienced significant benefit in terms of cognition as well; more calm focus and less monkey mind. It basically seemed like it would be good for my and other peoples ADD/ADHD. Toward the latter part of this test is when it really started to help with my social anxiety type issues, as well as back muscle relaxation. It dramatically improved how stable and calm my nervous system felt. I felt solid in public, and was even able to enjoy a conversation with unusual success at being myself. Oncoming cars didnt make me tense up much; I experienced an unusual ability to automatically be aware of and revalue or dismiss fear/tension impulses/thoughts/impressions. (from my notes for day 13). Having gone through and overcome some manifestations of OCD, I strongly suspect this supplement would be extraordinarily helpful to OCD sufferers who are willing to try to ignore their compulsions. There are some draw-backs with this supplement, though not many that I can tell. It is a bit more unpleasant on my stomach/acid reflux than some other forms of magnesium, such as bisglycinate for example. It isnt very well known or popular yet, so it could be hard to find, or hard to find at a desired price. I think its pain reduction made it easy to ignore things getting worse structurally in my neck, so that I was more active than was wise for symptom control and went too long without guided meditation, causing my symptoms to spike for a while until I made myself get some decent meditation. Ill close with a couple highlights from my notes. From day 11: I was able to use the tablet most of the day and went for 3 walks on top of going out to eat: a new high point!(for recent years) From day 15: Wonderfully light symptoms this day . . . such that I was very tempted to extend the trial at least another day before moving on to try the next magnesium.