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LifeSeasons Glucose Stabili-T 90 Gemüsekapseln

SKU 208
Original Preis $41.99 - Original Preis $41.99
Original Preis
$41.99 - $41.99
Derzeitiger Preis $41.99

Glucose Stabili-T™ unterstützt die Durchblutung, das Sehvermögen und einen gesunden Blutzucker, der sich bereits im normalen Bereich befindet.*

• Hilft, den Blutzuckerspiegel auszugleichen, der bereits im normalen Bereich liegt*
• Unterstützt einen gesunden Blutzuckerstoffwechsel*
• Fördert eine gesunde Insulinfunktion*

LifeSeasons® stellt Produkte her, die so formuliert sind, dass sie spezifische Gesundheitsprobleme ansprechen, die häufig in allen Lebensphasen auftreten. Sie entwickeln die effektivste und wirksamste Nährstoffkombination unter Verwendung klinisch getesteter, natürlicher Inhaltsstoffe, die der Körper leicht aufnehmen kann.

Portionsgröße: 3 Gemüsekapseln
Portionen pro Behälter: 30

Menge pro Portion % Tageswert
Chrom (als Chrompolynicotinat) Menge pro Portion: 800 µg Tageswert: 667 %
Bockshornkleesamenextrakt (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (Fenulife™) Menge pro Portion: 500 mg
Gymnema-Blattextrakt (Gymnema sylvestre) (25 % [100 mg] Gymnemasäuren), Menge pro Portion: 400 mg
Zimtrinde (Cinnamomum verum) (Ceylon) Menge pro Portion: 90 mg
Mäusedorn-Extrakt (Ruscus aculeatus) (10 % [7,5 mg] Ruscogenine), Menge pro Portion: 75 mg
Gotu Kola-Blattextrakt (Centella asiatica) 10 % [7,5 mg] Triterpene) Menge pro Portion: 75 mg
Heidelbeerfruchtextrakt (Vaccinium myrtillus) (36 % [27 mg] Anthocyane) (MirtoSelect™) Menge pro Portion: 75 mg
Alpha-Liponsäure- Menge pro Portion: 50 mg
Bittermelonenfruchtextrakt (Momordica charantia) (0,5 % [0,25 mg] Charantin), Menge pro Portion: 50 mg
Banaba-Blattextrakt (Lagerstroemia speciosa) (2 % [1 mg] Corosolsäure), Menge pro Portion: 50 mg
Extrakt aus heiligen Basilikumblättern (Ocimum sanctum) (2,5 % [0,625 mg] Ursol- und Oleanolsäuren), Menge pro Portion: 25 mg
Spurenelemente (ConcenTrace® AC) Menge pro Portion: 25 mg
Vanadium (als Vanadylsulfat) Menge pro Portion: 200 µg
Andere Zutaten:
Hypromellose (pflanzliche Cellulose), Kieselsäure, Reiskleie


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  • Ohne Weizen
  • Frei von Milchprodukten/Milch
  • Glutenfrei
  • Vegetarier
  • Sojafrei
  • Hefefrei
  • Frei von Konservierungsstoffen
  • Maisfrei
  • Frei von künstlichen Farb-/Geschmacksstoffen

Nehmen Sie täglich 3 Kapseln unabhängig von den Mahlzeiten ein.

Nehmen Sie es nicht ein, ohne vorher Ihren Arzt zu konsultieren.

Customer Reviews

Based on 61 reviews
Amazon Customer
It works!

This product works good to stabilize glucose levels as promised with all natural ingredients

Randolph Russ


Brian K Blake
These worked for me, but are pricey.

Ive used these for a couple years, and they definitely can lower blood sugar (a little), but I had to take double what they recommend to really see results. I was (am) concerned about any Ill affect of taking too much. I wrote an email to them about this and they did. Or respond. Eventually I just stopped taking it

I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this brand!! Read on for proof they work :)

I highly, highly recommend this brand!! I use many of their formulas, and they actually help me! ???? I have very severe Lyme disease and other disabling serious illnesses. Almost nothing helps me. But these formulas do!!! ?????? Best proof that they actually work: my liver started having issues with high markers on multiple different markers and on successive blood tests. It was getting bad. My doctor was worried. I literally got the Liver detox LifeSeasons supplement (I take many of theirs), AND IN 2 MONTHS MY LIVER MARKERS WERE ALL AT PERFECT LEVELS!! ?? I took a higher dose, but still my doctor was literally speechless, because even great recoveries dont happen that fast! Haha The ONLY thing that had changed was taking a high dose of that LifeSeasons Liver formula (cant remember the name, will update when I find it)! Ive had no bad liver markers since taking it! And this Glucose Stabili-T really helps keep my hypoglycemia and up and down levels in check. I notice a significant difference! Only one other supplement brand and this brand actually truly help me!! Thank you, LifeSeasons!!!!!!! ???????? (No this is not a paid or influenced review. This is the truth. So grateful for a brand that works! ??)

Laydee P